Monday 15 February 2010

A Croon of Elvises - DEADLINE

DEADLINE FOR ELVIS IMAGES - Please get any images emailed to me by 15th March 2010

(see below for an explanation of how the project began and where you can find the images - remember the source material is specifically those photos posted here on Flickr, and here are some of the responses so far)

and...two more thoughts...
Does anybody know, is the plural of Elvis, Elvises?

And what would be the collective noun for a collection of Elvises?
I like 'a Croon of Elvises'
mmm...any other ideas?


  1. I like 'croon' a lot. I'm leaning towards Elvii, though. A croon of Elvii?

    there's a good list of collective nouns on this site, which may be good for reference in your future obsessing*, but the best they could come up with in regard to Elvis was a 'wiggle'. (I prefer croon)

    The collective term for 'Kings' is dynasty, but that's a bit rubbish I think.

    *Seriously Mel, have you thought about seeking help?

  2. an Elvistry?

    an Elvistation?

  3. yep, I may have to switch to Elvii it wrong to believe it's my obsessions that keep me sane?

  4. cool!

    I'm presuming that question is rhetorical
